I have really been trying to think outside the box and not have sourdough every day with my breakfast. I will admit I LOVE sourdough bread. It is so delicious and goes with EVERYTHING!!
However, If you are looking for a bread substitute for whatever reason, let me tell you this is an amazing substitute. It is very easy to make too.
Grab a large sweet potato, wash it and peel it. Once it is peeled cut it length-wise into thin pieces. then grab your air fryer and put some avocado or olive oil on it with some sea salt. Place in the air fryer for 10 minutes at 400 degrees. You want it to have some blisters on it. Once the timer has finished flip it over for 5 mins. Take out and throw an egg on it with some avocado and hot sauce and sprinkle some everything but the beagle seasoning on it and there you have it. A simple easy sweet potato toast.
It is that perfect savory breakfast that makes you feel fueled and energized and does not leave you heavy and feeling like you ate too much.
My son asks for this breakfast daily. He loves the savory but sweet taste of the sweet potato and sometimes he asks just for the sweet potato toast with a little bit of raw honey. That’s delicious too.
Find us on Instagram and tag us if you make this recipe.
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