Two months on the Ranch

Snow is no surprise. However out here I can’t even begin to explain how beautiful the first snowfall looks especially in the morning. It covers all the work that needs to be done which we can’t wait until spring to start cleaning the property up. We have a lot of junk to clean up.

So much overgrowth, broken fences, mattresses, and more. We’ve decided to spend our first year really cleaning up the property and fixing things up before we start to bring any animals onto the property other than our chickens. Plus that also will give us time to do all the research we need on what animals we want to get.

I still can’t believe this is real life. These beautiful 4 acres are really ours and I am so grateful. We have so much planned for this ranch. We cannot wait to get it back into working order.

I get to look at this view everyday. The mountains are breathtaking and our view is just incredible.

One thing we are super excited for is what we call our Orchard. We have five apple trees in there, six Siberian Peashrubs, a few Common Chokecherry bushes, and a couple of American Plum trees. This will be also our garden area.

For our pasture area we aren’t sure yet what we want to do but I am sure as we research more we will come up with some idea.

Im so thankful that this winter has been mild. Especially out here in the country. Im also gladd that we have well water and that our water hasn’t frozen.

Having chickens has given us a little bit of a taste of what doing chores in the snow is like. Bringing on my animals is sure going to be an adjustment.
If you are new here, be sure to check out our roots to meet us!
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