We are two months into homeschool life and we are doing great. I am so proud of this boy and all he has accomplish. Two months ago he didn’t even know how to read and he is reading now. I am trying to build his confidence up with it because he second guesses himself but if I keep encouraging him he becomes more proud of himself.

He has been learning to cook and bake. And didn’t know how much math is used when cooking and baking.

Another thing he is loving is handwork. He will be able to sew on a button before the year is over.

We have introduced music into homeschool too. He absolutely loves it. He is learning to play the guitar and I hope by the end of the year he will have learned one song and just by heart but because he actually knows the cords.

One thing we try to do is get out and do work outside. It is so important to get fresh air and allow them to explore and use their imagination. He loves to draw outside too.
I was nervous about moving from kindergarten to first grade and that I would do a good job but watching him thrive and all that he is learning makes me feel like I am teaching him correctly and he is really enjoying it. The program we are using is The Good and The Beautiful if you are interested in learning more.
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